Becoming Catholic - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process whereby adults enter the Catholic Church. RCIA classes are held weekly and over the course of several months those who attend the RCIA classes are educated on what the Catholic Church believes and are given the oppurtunity to ask question about those beliefs.
Just because you start RCIA, doesn't mean you are committed to finish. If you are merely curious about what Catholicism is, please feel free to come. All are welcome.
In the RCIA process parishioners reach out to others, sharing their belief and welcoming them to the Catholic faith. The process prepares Catechumens (unbaptized) and Candidates (baptized) for full initiation into the Roman Catholic Church. Adults who are interested in becoming Catholic are invited to weekly sessions of instructions on Church teachings and traditions. The process begins with the interested person contacting the coordinator in the summer to be ready to begin sessions in the fall.
Adults interested in RCIA should contact Msgr. Gerry, 603-279-4403.