What is Automated Giving?
An alternate means of support for St. Charles, instead of envelopes. In lieu of weekly collections, VANCO will collect monthly contributions from your checking, saving, or credit card account. There is NO cost to participate in the program.
What are the benefits to me?
Allows you to plan your giving, in the same way you budget your other financial commitments.
You no longer have to be concerned about catching-up missed offertory donations when you miss a Mass because you are out of town, on vacation, ill, etc.
You can easily adjust the amount of your automated contribution (increase or decrease) via secure website access.
You no longer need to write a check every week.
How does it relate to the use of the weekly envelopes?
If you choose to participate in electronic giving, this will replace your weekly envelopes.
What about Special Collections?
You can specify your giving preference for Second Collections and special celebration dates (e.g., Christmas, Easter) when you join electronic giving, or anytime thereafter.
It’s easy to sign up.