How can I have my civil marriage or non-Catholic marriage
validated (blessed) by the Church?
To obtain the Church’s blessing of a marriage that was not Catholic can be relatively easy. Here are the basic steps required for a couple to validate their marriage:
1) Contact the local parish for an appointment with the pastor to discuss the situation and determine what must be done.
2) Obtain a new copy of the baptismal record for the Catholic party (or for each person, if both are Roman Catholic). Make that request to the parish where the person was baptized, indicating the name of the individual (as well as the names of the parents), date of birth and approximate date of the Baptism. Since this is a standard procedure for Catholic parishes, the copy should be forthcoming almost immediately.
3) If necessary, seek a Church declaration of nullity. A favorable decision is needed before a convalidation can be scheduled.
4) Complete the necessary paperwork (marriage investigation, inquiry form or premarital document) with the pastor or his delegate.
5) Determine the date, time and most suitable type of service.
6) It is highly recommended that a couple celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the convalidation ceremony. Quite often, people who were not married in the Church have not been to Confession for a long time. They may not remember how to confess or may be uneasy because of their long absence from this sacrament. Please consult with your pastor who will help ease your concerns.