This ministry coordinates the talents of all our liturgical ministers as they create a hospitable environment for all who come to worship. The committee consists of the pastor and the coordinators from each liturgical ministry: Altar Servers, Art & Environment, Lectors (Ministers of the Word), Ministers of Communion, Music Ministry, Faith Formation, Sacristans and Ministers of Hospitality. Quarterly meetings are held to plan the sacred liturgies of the liturgical calendar. The goal of the committee is to blend a loving care of the ancient Catholic rites of the Church with new ways to make our worship alive and speak to the heart of the parish at prayer.
Altar Servers
This ministry provides members of the parish with a true opportunity to function as lay ministers by reverently assisting the celebrant during Sunday Mass and at special liturgies throughout the year. The Ministry of Altar Server invites boys and girls to grow spiritually as they participate in the Mass and other Catholic rites. The responsibility of an altar server is to assist the priest at liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Anyone from grade five through high school, as well as adults are welcome. The spiritual rewards of this ministry are numerous as the current ministers will attest.
The Lector Ministry is an opportunity for parishioners to share their talents in public speaking as they reach out to the congregation through our weekly Mass readings. Lectors proclaim the word of God at all the weekend Masses, Holy Days and liturgical celebrations during the year. The manner in which the Word is proclaimed makes a difference in the attentiveness of the community. The Coordinator of Lectors will train all lectors on a one to one basis. This will enable you to feel comfortable at the ambo and microphone. An annual Lector Workbook is provided for all lectors giving background information, a pronunciation guide and reading tips. As a minister of God's Word, lectors provide nourishment for the soul by proclaiming the Words of everlasting life.
The Ministry of Music provides music during weekend Masses, holy days, and other activities. Parishioners are invited to share their musical talents with the rest of the congregation through this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Communion ministers assist in the distribution of Christ’s Body and Blood at Mass. Both species of communion, (bread and wine) are offered at St. Charles (except in the summer where the large number of communicants make this a challenge). Ministers of Communion commit to lead a life worthy of their selection and manifest by word and action the reverence all should have for the Holy Eucharist. Requirements are that ministers be fully initiated and in good standing with the Catholic Church. Ministers are asked to state their Mass preference, Saturday at 5pm or Sunday at 8 or 10:30am, and the coordinator uses these requests when developing the ministry schedule. A Minister of Communion is typically scheduled about once a month for service.
Ministers of Hospitality
Ministers of Hospitality warmly greet the people of God as they enter the church, setting a welcoming tone for worship. They help to create a friendly environment that encourages the congregation to become involved in the liturgy. Ministers distribute and collect worship aids, assist people with seating, and collect and secure the monetary offering of the people. Recognizing that individuals have different challenges and needs, the ministers accommodate these individuals as well as seeing that a Minister of Communion takes the Eucharist to them. At the conclusion of Mass, the ministers distribute the weekly bulletin and check the church for items left by parishioners. This is an important ministry as all parishioners and visitors should experience hospitality at St. Charles.
Art and Environment
The Art and Environment Ministry calls parishioners to share their creative talents in order to enhance our beautiful church environment. The purpose of this ministry is to design and to arrange settings that add to our celebrations and welcome our congregation. The church’s liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time provide guidelines for our choice of arrangement, colors, content and placement. This ministry meets once every three weeks to redecorate, with the exceptions of Easter and Christmas that require a greater effort.
The Sacristan Ministry calls parishioners to offer their time to prepare the church for worship. It is a ministry that cares for all the church wares and goods necessary for our liturgies and rituals. Sacristans, under the direction of the pastor, are responsible for the sacred vessels as well as opening the church daily, setting up for all Masses, cleaning up and putting away all items after Mass and maintaining all supplies needed for our worship services. Sacristans are needed daily and weekly.