The chapel will remain open during the weekdays for private prayer.
As always, if the Sacrament of the Sick is needed, please call the office 279-4403 and press option #1.
We are encouraged to make a Spiritual Communion, where we united ourselves to God with prayer. It can be said when we are not able to receive communion as well as throughout the day. An example of one is listed below:
O my God, ocean of holy love and sweetness, come and give yourself to my soul. Grant that with a perfect heart, full desire, and burning affection, I may unceasingly desire after you, and lovingly rest in you. May I prefer you to every creature, for you renounce every transitory delight, O my true, my highest joy! Feed me, Lord, a poor, famished beggar, with continual draughts of your love; refresh me with the wished-for presence of your grace. This I seek, this I long for, that a vehement love may penetrate me through and through, and fill me. Grant, O most loving Redeemer, that I may be wholly inflamed with the love of you, that I may delight only in you. O overflowing abyss of divinity! Draw me to you, and immerse me in yourself; so seize and take to yourself all the affection of my heart. Amen.