Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I am overjoyed with the knowledge that our regular weekend Mass schedule resumes June 13-14, 2020! What follows is an overview of what you might expect to find as we take this important step toward “normal operation”, however that will ultimately be defined.
The protocols given to us by the State of New Hampshire say that we can use up to 40% of our seating capacity, but we must allow for social distancing. Therefore, we have put blue tape markers on the pews that we can use, at 6 foot intervals and roped off every other pew. Ushers will be counting the number of people entering and we ask you only use the main entrance of the church.
In consideration of our reopening, we are asking everyone to help us to ensure a safe environment for all. These requests stem from two main factors. First, our population is senior in nature and secondly, we want very much to ensure the safety for all our parishioners and especially our pastor, Msgr. Gerald Belanger. We are sure that you also will help us to create a safe and healthy atmosphere for everyone wanting to attend Mass again. Exceptions to this protocol would be young children and people with breathing/medical issues. If you cannot wear a mask, you may remain in your car in the designated parking lot. Holy Communion will be brought to out you.
Also, upon entering the church, everyone is required to use hand sanitizer. The bottles will be prominent in the narthex. After hand sanitizing, we ask that
one person in your group go to a sign-up sheet to list your name and phone number. There will be 4 tables with sign-up sheets.
The reason for the sign-up is so that we would have a means of contacting you should we learn that someone in attendance at your Mass tested positive for COVID-19.
A major change will be the fact that we can no longer hand out missalettes/hymnals for you to use. Also, there will be no congregational singing of hymns.
At the end of Mass, the church pews will be emptied under the direction of the ushers. They will begin with the last row of pews. Please follow their directions. When an usher comes to your pew, please file out of the church immediately. Do not congregate in the narthex or under the outdoor canopy. You are welcome to socialize in the parking lot.
If you are not ready to return to attending Mass, Holy Communion will be distributed every Sunday between 9:30 and 10AM. If you are attending Mass and become uncomfortable, please feel free to exit the church at any time and return to your car.
Please note that weekday Masses
in church resume on Monday,
June 15 at 8:30AM. Weekday Masses are celebrated on Monday, Thursday and Friday.
We will continue to stream Mass on weekdays, and at the 10:30AM Mass on Sundays.