As Fr. Gerry announced last weekend, there are some new updates to our COVID-19 guidelines since the CDC has updated recommendations
MASKS: CDC guidance for settings such as churches has not changed, masks are still to be worn according to Diocesan guidance, however masks do not need to be worn outside, if distance is maintained. Those exempt from wearing a mask: * Children younger than 5 years old. Adults or children who: * Have a disability or difficulty putting on or taking off a mask * Have trouble breathing * Are deaf or hard of hearing * Find that the mask is psychologically difficult or difficult due to sensory issues. * Priests while celebrating Mass, but will wear when distributing Holy Communion * Lectors proclaiming the Readings or General Intercessions should remove their masks
Six foot social distancing should be maintained. Holy Water fonts may now be filled, with regular cleaning. If you wish to receive communion on the tongue, please receive from Fr. Gerry only Hand sanitizer will remain available and should be used when entering the church and before Communion All ministers must sanitize hands before and after the Liturgy. All frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each day Parishioners may continue to bring their own missals and keep in their possession at all times Appropriate but limited congregational singing is allowed
Thank you for all your support to keep our Parish healthy, safe and clean.