It is also important to be ever mindful that communion with Christ is deeply tied to communion with our brothers and sisters. The Sunday Eucharistic gathering is an experience of sister and brotherhood, which the celebration should demonstrate dearly, while ever respecting the nature of the liturgical action. (Pope John Paul II, Dies Domini, 44).
Making the Sunday liturgy welcoming is essential to experiencing a strong bond of community. Likewise, many of our liturgical actions – for example – the very tone of our prayer, readings the names of the faithful who are included in the intentions, the way we exchange a sign of peace – help create a sense of community among the faithful. When we receive the Body of Christ we are offered more than bread: it is the very Body of Christ – the Church. That body, sitting around and among us – the believers, the community, gathered, assembled – yes, that is the very Body of Christ. And when we answer profoundly, “Amen!” we are saying that we will indeed receive this Body. We will take it in, care for it, nourish, honor, respect, forgive, and heal it. This immense experience cannot be had in any other moment of human life. This miracle occurs each and every Sunday.
Who are some of the people, or groups of people, whom you would find it hardest to accept and love? How might you better use your Sunday to build or rebuild these relationships?
This week, reach out to someone you now hold at arm’s length. Let your participation in the Eucharist be the grace you need to forgive and embrace this person. + Blessings!