The Pastoral Council is primarily charged to assist the pastor in the development of a mission – focused on the parish rather than programmatic or finance-driven one. It attempts to place at the heart of the parish a consciousness of a zeal for the mission of Jesus Christ. When there is a clear awareness of this “larger vision” proposed by the gospels and taught by the Church, a parish finds itself energized by a sense of mission and directed to matters that foster the mission of the parish which is grounded in the mission of Christ. The Council is the leadership body in the parish community that discerns the present and future parish direction, as well as calling forth those gifted to serve in that capacity. The council assists the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, faith formation and service activities within the parish. The Council fosters unity and a sense of community in the parish and promotes programs and activities in the parish as recommended by the Bishop, or diocesan offices.
The Pastoral Council is composed of nine parishioners and three staff members who serve ex-officio; i.e., Pastor, Pastoral Associate/Director of Faith Formation and Youth Minister.
Membership on the Pastoral Council is for three years with no more than two consecutive terms. The members are chosen from the community in the spring through a process of discernment – not election.