St. Charles Borromeo
October 2, 1538 - November 3, 1584
Archbishop of Milan
Cardinal-Priest of the Title of St. Prassede
Papal Secretary of State under Pius IV
and one of the chief leaders in the
Catholic Counter-Reformation
He was born in the Castle of Arona, a town on the southern shore of the Lago Maggiore in northern Italy, October 2, 1538; died at Milan, November 3, 1584.
His emblem is the word humilitas crowned, which is a portion of the Borromeo shield. He is usually represented in art in his cardinal's robes, barefoot, carrying the cross as archbishop; a rope round his neck, one hand raised in blessing, thus recalling his work during the plague.
His feast is kept on 4 November.
St. Charles is the patron saint of learning and the arts.
Almighty God, you have generously made known to human beings
the mysteries of your life through Jesus Christ your Son in the Holy Spirit.
Enlighten our minds to know these mysteries which your Church treasures and teaches.
Move our hearts to love them and our wills to live in accord with them.
Give us the ability to teach this Faith to others without pride, without ostentation, and without personal gain.
Let us realize that we are simply your instruments for bringing others to the knowledge of the wonderful things you have done for all your creatures.
Help us to be faithful to the tasks that you have entrusted to us. Amen.